NOX Dining In The Dark

NOX Dining in the Dark Experience

My brother wanted to try some unconventional restaurant. We thought that eating our food in the dark, and groping around for cutleries and food would be our idea of Saturday Night Fun. So we made a reservation to eat at NOX.

When you go to NOX, you are seated in the lounge area, given a spoonful of hainanese chicken rice as an amuse bouche, and briefed on safety procedures. We were also asked for our dietary preferences / allergies, and we had to give our names, as the servers only recognized us through our names. We were also given lockers to store all light-emitting devices and our bags.

Then it was time to be led to the dark dining area. We were told to hold hands and form a giant choo-choo train. Our visually-impaired server greeted us and led us up a flight of stairs, and directed us where to sit down. Initially, I was quite disoriented but you get used to it soon. The server explains that you must try to guess the food that you are eating. There are four different plates for each appetizer, main course and dessert, so you would try 12 different food in the end. I ordered a bottle of water, but the server didn't pour it for you, so I was so tired of groping around for the glass of water, that I just drank straight from the bottle teeehee. 

Oh yes. Don't think you can get away with hanky-panky in the dark because there is an infra-red sensor in the restaurant which can detect all movements. Just saying.

Anyway, I managed to guess 11/12 of the dishes that we were given. I think my gustatory sensation got even better in the dark, because you close your eyes and really enjoy the taste and texture. 

For appetizers, we had angel hair pasta with scallop and truffle, poached hen egg and foie gras with cameralized banana.

For main course, we had one cod fish, one duck confit with spicy pepper, one lamb and one steak.

For desserts, we had jello, panna cotta with mango and pomelo, chocolate fondant cake and rum pastry.

Overall, I thought the food was decent. Although it was really tiring to keep trying to find the food, and trying to feed yourself with your eyes closed, and after a while, I felt that the marginal happiness of eating the food did not amount to the marginal hassle of searching for the food.

The meal was really fast, and after 45 minutes or so, we were done. We were led by our server back out to the light. But before that, he gave us a reflection on how he led his life, and for us to gain more empathy for visually-impaired individuals next time, and shared with us about his experiences as a visually-impaired individual in today's society. 

When we got to light, we were given a quiz to fill in our dishes, we were showed the pictures of the food we ate and were given the bill. Felt that the price was quite steep for the standard of the food, but if you factor in the experience, it's okay and worth it.

Overall : 6.8 / 10

NOX Dining in the Dark
269 Beach Rd, Singapore 199546
+65 6298 0708

*I'm sure there are many other dining in the dark experiences around the world. :) Not only in Singapore!


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